Sciatica Explained and Treatments (blog and video)
Sciatica - diagnosis and treatmentTo find out what it is and what causes it - watch the detailed video below where Angela explains all.What can I do about it?Do take medication for pain and anti inflammatoriesDo keep activeDo your physiotherapy exercises and acupuncture to help your pain**Do sit on a harder chair such as a dining room chairDon't lift heavy weightsDon't repeatedly bend overDon’t put your feet up on a stoolDon't apply topical treatments to your legDon't stand or sit...
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Running – training, treatments and recovery
IntroductionIf you have been thinking about the possibility of starting to run for fitness or you are you already running but want some advice as you can’t seem to progress further?In this blog we offer lots of help for you to get started/improve your performance. We have tips and help to plan your training. Running plans, supplementary gym exercises and also treatments that may help any injuries. We also explain the importance of ‘recovery’ - what it is and how...
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What is the difference between a Physiotherapist and a Sports Rehabilitator?
Below we discuss the similarities and differences between Physiotherapy and Sport Rehabilitation. Similarities They are both MSK practitioners. What is meant by this is that they are both taught to treat disorders regarding the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and nerves). The Musculoskeletal system can become off balance, which may or may not be due to injury. This then affects the whole body and every-day tasks can become difficult. This is where a Physiotherapist or Sports Rehabilitator both...
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Help with choosing the right pillow for you
Patients with neck problems often ask us about pillows and which is the best type? We don’t give much thought about our pillow unless we have a problem. If you are sleeping on an old pillow, it probably needs to be replaced and if you think your pillow may be contributing to your neck/upper back pain read on….. What is a good pillow? We all want to sleep well and wake up rested, pain free and without morning stiffness. A...
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Think you have a trapped nerve and have pain in your back/buttocks?
A ‘pain in the bum’ can be quite painful and limit you from doing your usual activities. Finding the cause of your pain is crucial to alleviating it. The causes may be one of those listed below: Muscle or tendon pain There are quite a few muscles in the bum, and all collectively know as the gluteal muscles or “gluts”. When you walk, run, or lunge you use these muscles and if these muscles/tendons are injured then everyday activities can...
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To RICE or not to RICE?…that is the question
In an article published this summer’s edition of Physio First ‘In Touch’ entitled “Does ice help the recovery process?” questions whether or not we should still recommend our clients to use ice post injury. In the article Solomon Abrahams (PhD MSc BSc MCSP FOIMM) Consultant Physiotherapist and BETH Sheehan BSc (Hons) FOIMM Physiotherapist analysed a total of thirty-five research papers from the last 25 years (1988-2020) They summarised that Ice remains the most common treatment for acute soft tissue injuries....
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